The Otter's Study

A blog about history and transport.

Level Boarding - The What, Why and How.

18 June 2024

The passenger experience on the railways of the United Kingdom is an inaccessible one. Despite the existence of infrastructure standards dictating how and where platforms should be built, both the fixed infrastructure (platforms, the permanent way, etc.) and rolling stock (the trains) fail to provide a safe and equitable experience for passengers boarding and alighting trains. Large steps, wide gaps and the risk of falls are all hazards faced by passengers on a daily basis, sometimes with fatal consequences.

Please note that this article is using an experimental CSS stylesheet and may not work on old browsers like Internet Explorer. Any browser released after 2016 will work.

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I was on RailNatter!

28 December 2023

I appeared on the RailNatter podcast to discuss the long gone Jersey Railways and Tramways company. This was part of my Masters project and a full verison will appear on the Rails to Nowhere podcast.

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National Rail Smartcard Notes and an unhinged rant

3 May 2023

Today's post will investigate the insanity that is the National Rail Smartcard/ITSO card. For those who are unaware, you can now get a tap-to-go smartcard, similar to Oyster or OV Chipkaart for use on the Naitonal Rail Network in Britain. The thing is, the system that currently exists is in no way as universal as either of those two systems.

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Where are the posts‽

23 April 2023

So I started this blog. You're probably asking where are the posts? Well that's pretty easy to answer. In progress. There's something to fill your time while you wait in here though!

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12 April 2023

This is a filler page because I needed something to test with while I develop things. There will be more filler with the traditional Lorem Ipsum.

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